
The DIAS32 3DIP system is a new survey technology available in Australia through a joint venture between Gap Geophysics and Dias Geophysical. The system combines the technology of Dias’ DIAS32 receiver technology with Gap Geophysics’ transmitter technology, and is designed for the acquisition of real-time geophysical data in true 3D. The new technology offers a truly unique way of working, that delivers both higher quality and more detailed survey results than conventional IP techniques.

Benefits of Gap DIAS3DIP technology

  • True 3D results: Data can be gathered in 3D, instead of conventional 2D. Previously so called “3D”, is more of an offset 2D data. It is one of just two systems able to achieve True 3D in the world.
  • Major logistic gains: Ability to monitor data in real time and ensure quality control in the field. Saving time and money.
  • More Efficient: A lot easier for deployment team to plug in nodes, rather than setup logging technology, adjust settings and monitor throughout. A real increase over conventional 2D or 2.5D IP surveys and their data quality.
  • Improved quality of data: 3D measuring ensures more confidence in the data and gives the ability to recognise unique features not detectable in 2D.
  • Can manage difficult terrain: Can overcome difficult terrain and difficult topography, as nodes and electrodes work on a wireless network, allow them to communicate to each other and ensuring accuracy.
Dias32 3DIP trailer
Gap Dias32-3DIP System
Dias32 3DIP 3D Model
Dias32 3D Model

Australian company Signature Gold Limited has used both the DIAS 3D DCIP survey and HeliSAM survey systems and seen tremendous results with Intrusion Related Gold Systems in Central Queensland. Jonathan Robbeson, Signature Gold General Manager explained “We partnered with Gap Geophysics to run the largest ever HeliSAM survey and the first ever DIAS 3D DCIP survey in the region. Working with the Gap and DIAS teams to unlock these challenging mineral systems has provided us with a breakthrough on our lead discovery.”

Contact us for further information on this exciting new technology.