21 New SAM Targets at Carlow Castle West

Sub-Audio Magnetics (SAM) has identified 21 new target areas with coincident structures and geochemical anomalies

  • 21 targets identified west of the Carlow Castle resource area with a strike of 5km.
  • Top 4 targets are 400 metres to the west of the current resource
  • Coincident geochemical anomalism with new targets
  • Site works to remove barren colluvium/clay for mapping scheduled to start on 23 September 2019

Artemis Resources Limited is pleased to advise that Sub-Audio Magnetics (SAM) surveying completed at the Carlow Castle gold project, located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia has indicated geological structures for additional gold-copper-cobalt, may extend to the west of the resource area.
The completed SAM survey has identified a total of twenty-one targets producing three datasets; TMI (magnetics), MMC (magneto-metric conductivity) and TFEM (Total Field Electromagnetics).
TMI data are measured passively as a function of the Earth’s magnetic field distorted by magnetic minerals in the rocks, MMC data is measured while current is flowing through the ground (during ‘on-time’), and TFEM data are measured as that current is switched off and there is a ‘decay’ of potential.

Carlow Castle covers a strike length of 1.2km and was successfully identified using SAM exploration in early 2018. In conjunction with geochemical anomalies, SAM targeting drove the Carlow Castle drilling program in 2018 that increased the resource by 71%.

Commenting on the encouraging exploration results, Artemis Resources Executive Director Ed Mead said:
The western continuation of the Carlow Castle resource has been targeted using SAM, which was very successful in identifying the structure that hosts the current resource. We have identified geochemical anomalies for gold, copper and cobalt coincident with new SAM anomalies and four priority targets 400 metres west of the current resource for immediate follow up work.”

For further information visit https://artemisresources.com.au/ or read the ASX announcement.