UltraTEM Now Validated for AGC through DAGCAP

UltraTEM Towed Array

In August 2019, an UltraTEM towed-array system passed the hardware validation test at the DoD Advanced Geophysical Classification Accreditation Program (DAGCAP) test-site at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. It is the first sensor to be validated for one-pass detection and classification, an approach that can significantly reduce the costs and risks … Read more

GapEOD Mining the Gap in Australia’s History

GapEOD's UltraTEM System

Australian shores may have seen fleeting moments of action in the World War, but our involvement in the conflicts continues to leave a legacy. Brisbane-based company, Gap Explosive Ordnance Detection (GapEOD) is having a major impact on the clean-up operation in Australia and internationally, having developed world leading metal … Read more

GapEOD help detect hazardous items deep in the ocean floor

UltraTEM ROV Marine System

Gap Explosive Ordnance Detection Pty Ltd (GapEOD) have unveiled further developments to its market leading UltraTEM technology, to help detect hazardous items deep in the ocean floor.  The UltraTEM technology can now work in a hybrid capacity, with the ability to detect objects both underwater and underground, identifying hazardous … Read more